Another Blast from The Resurgent’s Trumpet


Oh man! One of the good things to come out of this horrible election season is that I’ve become acquainted with a treasure trove of conservative/Christian websites. At some point I’m going to post an annotated list of the ones I’ve read the most.

Right at or near the top of the list has to be Erick Erickson’s The Resurgent. If you’ll remember back in August I wrote a post titled “Do Your Ears Itch?”  My point then was that we hear what we want to hear and so are easy targets for false teaching. Now Erickson comes along and give an example of a sound, biblical sermon being taken for a political endorsement. It’s really worse than being deceived by false teaching when you’re deceiving yourself!

Here’s the takeaway: “But Clinton does not right now have an army of Christians trying to find biblical authority to justify support for a moral cretin. Trump does.”

I can’t encourage you enough to read the whole thing. It’s not very long:

“Hearing What You Want to Hear”