Are Your Baloney Detectors at the Ready?

PictureSo much material over the weekend that we have yet another embarrassment of riches this morning. The whole John Lewis Kerfuffle. (As usual, Trump seems incapable of responding to anything in a statesmanlike way.) Most disturbing, and something I don’t have time to explore right now, the Trumpian remarks made to a German and a British news outlet about NATO and Russia. I’m sure that story is going to be going on for a few days. Ah, remember those halcyon days when the time between the election and the inauguration was a halcyon time?


But–I will content myself this morning with an article from the usually-reliable RedState about this whole ridiculous “I have a new insurance plan almost ready to go that will solve all of our healthcare problems” pronouncement. Now, let’s see here: When would the President-elect have had time to put together this plan? Have there been insurance executives, drug company representatives, and healthcare providers coming to Trump Tower to consult with him? I don’t know–maybe I’ve been out of the loop, but I don’t think so.

Priceless takeaway:

The President-elect claims to have a master plan. A magic plan . . . Okay. Well. I can honestly say if that’s the case we’ll all be pleasantly shocked beyond all reason.

But just for the sake of argument, let’s say he can’t do that and we’re instead looking at a hastily thrown-together plan that will create another government behemoth and black hole of cost increases and skyrocketing premiums crushing the middle class. What then will Trump do if Republicans remember they aren’t big fans of big government running healthcare? How will he respond?

Read the whole article here:

Health Insurance “For Everybody” And The “Government Will Pay” Says “Republican” Donald Trump. AGAIN.