I Am Heartsick but Hopeful.


Well, this of course isn’t the post I thought I would be writing today. I told myself that the election was by no means a done deal. Still, since I’m kind of like Joan Didion and don’t know how I feel about things until I write them, it was pretty impossible for me not to go around writing blog posts in my head.

So I thought, well, Trump started out his whole path to the Presidency by talking trash about Mexicans, so the Latino vote will come out strong against him. And he told African-Americans they had nothing to lose by voting for him, so they’ll tell him “yes, we do.” And he has insulted and degraded women, so they’ll hand him his hat. I’ll be able to say some variation of “the chickens have come home to roost.”

This did not happen. (News flash.)


I am proud that I did not vote for Donald Trump, that I did what I could to stop him with my one small vote.  

And I am hopeful, because God is faithful, and He is sovereign, and He sets up kings and princes.

I agreed with George Will way back when I started this blog, when he said to conservatives, “Grit your teeth for the next four years, put up with Hillary Clinton, and then nominate somebody decent.”

So now, months and millions of dollars later, we instead have a President-elect Trump.  Here are some pertinent quotations and then today’s article from the always-thoughtful-and-delightful Jennifer Rubin of the Right Turn blog at the Washington Post:

From The Federalist:

An open question is what happens when Trump realizes that the sorts of judges he’s been advised to appoint would rule against him on various matters. We can only hope that he continues listening to the same legal advisers that put together his nominee list.

From David French over at National Review:

Trump is not naturally or intellectually conservative. He is self-interested. It is vital that we unite to strongly and clearly declare that life, liberty, and constitutional governance must prevail. I’m under no illusion that conservatism won the White House tonight, but conservatism has a voice. We must use it without fear.

From Susan Wright over at RedState:

Trump never meant a word of what he said.

I also include a RedState link to a great article my husband saw on there:

“16 Years Ago William F. Buckley Wrote This about Donald Trump and It’s Eerily Accurate”

And, finally, the Jennifer Rubin article:

“He Won. Now What Does Donald Trump Do?”