The “CYB” Movement Gains Steam.

Blurringly fast movement on a train

I’m trying to be fairly genteel here, so “CYB” stands for “cover your behind.”

Periodically I take a look over at the right-wing ranters such as Breitbart, Limbaugh, Ingraham, and Savage Nation, the website of Michael Savage, who, as I never tire of pointing out, is really named Michael Weiner. (Hey, it’s a perfectly respectable name. So why doesn’t he use it?) Just want to see what’s shakin’. I don’t go onto InfoWars with Alex Jones, though. There are limits to my gag reflex. (But do listen to The Federalist Radio Hour episode linked at the end of this post,

wherein Jonah Goldberg of National Review talks with Ben Domenech, editor of The Federalist, about–among other topics–the plague of fake news on the rightOne intriguing statistic: Alex Jones himself says that about 35% of what his so-called “info” is strictly for “entertainment value”–in other words, fake–but, as Domenech points out, that 35% of Jones’ material is what his fans like and, unfortunately, believe.)

So, Michael Weiner has a new book coming out called Trump’s War: His Battle for America. I find it completely hysterical that the picture on the cover isn’t of Trump, though—it’s of Weiner, beret and all. Huh?

Anyway, here’s what the self-proclaimed “godfather of Trumpmania” had to say in his newsletter on March 15:

Many people are frightened right now that his entire administration is in trouble,” he said.

I am not.”

Savage continued:

“I am not. This is what politics is all about, especially when you have an entrenched bureaucracy and an entrenched socialist, Islamist machine that refuses to go away. . . .

You have to understand there are priorities to things.

And as I’ve said to you, and I have to say it again, even if we wind up getting 20 or 30 percent of what Trump promised during the campaign, that’s 120 or 130 more, at least, than we would have had if Hillary Clinton had won.

… We would have lost our freedom of speech and freedom of the press in this country had Hillary won.

We have the First Amendment for the next four to eight years.

Second Amendment, guns — over, not touching them. Hillary would have seized your guns, one way or another.

So, you have to look at the big picture and don’t expect to get everything that you want.
You’re not going to do it.

It doesn’t occur in your life, it doesn’t occur in a political campaign. It doesn’t occur in a political administration.

We are way, way ahead of where we would have been had she seized power.

Do you understand that?”

Break it down! Let’s take a look here.

First of all, Weiner admits that Trump isn’t going to get much of his agenda through. 20-30%, huh? Doesn’t sound too impressive to me. It’s going to be a long war to get those stinkin’ socialists out of government. And those Islamists. Hmmm. The thing of it is, if Trump gets only the small fraction of his program passed that Weiner says he will, Trump will be labeled as a complete and total failure. And what do you think will happen in 2018 and 2020? The “long war” will be over, Michael! We have met the enemy, and he is us.

But what I really find strange is Weiner’s assertion that under Hillary Clinton “we would have lost our freedom of speech and freedom of the press.” Like, say what? When Trump has labeled the press as the “enemy of the American people”? When his Secretary of State is traveling to Asia without a press corps right now, even as we speak? (One reporter came along, from Independent Journal Review, a conservative website. The story was that there was “only one seat available” on the plane Tillerson took.) When reporters are berated and stonewalled by the Trump administration? I mean to say, did you watch that disgraceful Trump press conference?

Well, Weiner’s website has as part of its address “WND,” which stands for “World Net Daily.” As my husband says, he spends half his time on Facebook debunking stuff that comes from that site. It’s in the same neck of the woods as the “Gateway Pundit,” a known, known, known fake news site whose reporters are now allowed into the White House press pool.

Listen to this podcast for a welcome dose of sanity and reason:

“Jonah Goldberg: Media, Conservatives, and Problematic Technological Advances”