The Leopard Has Changed Her Spots


As the ghost of Hamlet’s father says, “List, list, oh list!” Read these words about Donald Trump written by conservative pro-life women in an open letter:

America will only be a great nation when we have leaders of strong character who will defend both unborn children and the dignity of women. We cannot trust Donald Trump to do either.  Therefore we urge our fellow citizens to support an alternative candidate. (You can read the entire article at “Pro-life Women Sound the Alarm: Donald Trump Is Unacceptable.” I posted it on my Facebook page back in August.) Amen! Preach it, sisters

But all this good solid reasoning was back in January. Guess who was one of those conservative women signers? None other than Marjorie Dannenfelser, then the President of the Susan B. Anthony List, a major pro-life women’s organization. (Why Susan B. Anthony? Well, that’s an interesting story, one that I plan to address at some point.)

Anyway, I knew that Dannenfelser had renounced her renunciation of Trump and become the head of his Pro-Life Coalition. That was bad enough. Then this morning, while I was minding my own business and innocently eating my breakfast, an interview with her came on NPR, hosted by Steve Inskeep. (Hey, I’m not a commie pinko just because I listen to NPR. I promise.) She was being asked why she could in good conscience support Trump even after the Trump Tapes (hereinafter knows at the TT’s). 

​What did she say? Well, first she said that Hillary was worse because she had helped squash the accusations of sexual impropriety or worse against Bill. The interviewer pointed out a couple of problems with that accusation. Then he moved back to the question at hand: How can you support Trump? She reiterated the old, tired, discredited-as-far-as-I’m-concerned argument about the Supreme Court. After some backing-and-forthing about Christianity and Christianity Today‘s recent pullout on supporting Trump she started fulminating about Hillary’s enabling of Bill again. She was interrupted and told, hey, “forgive me, you’ve had a chance to make that point.”

You can listen to the whole disgraceful thing here