Them Chickens Ain’t Even Had Time to Roost!


Let’s see if we can get this straight.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, back in October when the “Access Hollywood” tapes had been released:

My personal support for Donald Trump has never been based upon shared values, it is based upon shared concerns about issues such as: justices on the Supreme Court that ignore the constitution, America’s continued vulnerability to Islamic terrorists and the systematic attack on religious liberty that we’ve seen in the last 7 1/2 years.”

Tony Perkins yesterday on the Tillerson SOS appointment:

To hear that Donald Trump may be appointing a man who not only led the charge to open the Boy Scouts to gay troop leaders but whose company directly gives to Planned Parenthood is upsetting at best. FRC knows Tillerson all too well, having worked for years to put the brakes on his reckless agenda for a scouting organization that was already dealing with staggering numbers of sexual abuse cases. Unfortunately, the BSA, under Tillerson, ultimately caved to the pressure of the far-Left, irreparably splitting the Scouts and destroying a proud and honorable American tradition. Under his chairmanship, ExxonMobil’s score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate “Equality” Index has also skyrocketed to 87 percent. Still, Trump calls Rex a “world class player and dealmaker,” but if these are the kinds of deals Tillerson makes — sending dollars to an abortion business that’s just been referred for criminal prosecution and risking the well-being of young boys under his charge in an attempt to placate radical homosexual activists — then who knows what sort of “diplomacy” he would champion at DOS?”

But wait a minute, Mr. Perkins! Your “support for Donald Trump has never been based upon shared values”! You just thought . . . well, what did you think, exactly? You, and Gary Bauer, and Jerry Falwell, Jr., and all the other nauseatingly obsequious evangelical leaders who hopped on that Trump Train and stuck your fingers in your ears and sang “La, la, la, la, la!” at the top of your lungs? That somehow Trump would do what you wanted him to do without actually believing for one second in the same things you do?

As I keep on a-sayin’ and a-sayin’–the man hasn’t even been inaugurated yet and he’s already selling out his supporters. What did you expect? Honorable behavior from a blackguard?