Trump Brings Out the Worst in His Fans.

Great takeaway line from over at RedState, from their great Susan Wright (who is NeverTrump and NeverClinton, just to be clear):

“While I would never endorse anything that came from a Clinton, I can say I’ve never heard her make reckless attacks about entire groups of people, or paint a picture of a broken, apocalyptic society and call it ‘America.'”

Amen, sister.

Note: Lurking in her statement, whether she means for it to be there or not, is a “lesser of two evils” argument. I will still maintain: One of these two awful candidates is going to be President. You can abstain or vote third party, as I wrote earlier today. I understand why people just can’t pull that lever for Hillary. But then you’re counting on other people to do the work for you. You’re aghast at Donald Trump? Well, then you’re stuck with Hillary Clinton.
So I say once again: Vote the split ticket for the good of your country, maintain the Hillary Hedge in Congress, and keep the disastrous GOP nominee out of the White House. That way we’ll all survive to fight another day.

“Trump’s Post-Apocalyptic Vision of America Brings Out the Worst in People”