Is the Trump Administration to Blame for All Violence, All the Time?

photo source: Wikipedia

Yet another post inspired by a Facebook comment. So . . . I’ve put up a couple of articles about the whole Greg Gianforte mess, in which comments are made that now the pro-Trump right is trying to justify the behavior of the newest Republican member of Congress. The violence and vulgarity of the Trump campaign is now spawning further violence and vulgarity. Rush Limbaugh calls Gianforte “manly and brutish.” Laura Ingraham says that the reporter should have been manly enough to fight back. And on and on. What vile, nauseating balderdash!

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Why Do I Keep Doing This?

Periodically I ask myself why I’m continuing to spend the time I do on reading and posting others’ articles or writing my own. After all, most of the time I’m just preaching to the choir, and, as I often say to my husband, no one’s paying me to do this! So why bother? And, as a followup question, Would I be doing this if Hillary Clinton had won?

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How Donald Trump Will Aid the Liberal Cause

Back in May, in fact, exactly a year ago tomorrow, Andrew Sullivan wrote an article in New York Magazine titled “Democracies End when They Are Too Democratic,” with the subtitle “America Has Never Been So Ripe for tyranny.” It was a long and erudite piece that was hailed in some circles as a masterpiece, one of the most important articles to be written about the election season thus far. His thesis, as far as I was able to determine, was that when a country becomes splintered into special-interest groups and there is no national unity behind the values of the country that a strongman,

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Dear NeverTrumpers: Why Wouldn’t You Vote for Clinton?

Here we are on the day before the 100th day of the Trump Presidency (or Der Einhundert Tage, as Jonah Goldberg calls it, or perhaps Les Cent Jours, in honor of Trump’s advocacy for Marine Le Pen, or even Один hundnred дней in honor of his [perhaps now somewhat-moderated] affection for all things Putin.)

It’s becoming clearer and clearer that we have a President who doesn’t know what he’s doing, and who admits it. It’s just completely mind-boggling. He didn’t realize it would be so hard, he says in the now-infamous Reuters interview.

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Mexico should happily build the wall

Baby Boy, Surprise, Expression, CuteDespite, or more likely because of, the many words written and spoken about the subject of President Trump’s border wall there’s been a lot of confusion and inconsistent thinking.

What if we could bring together both sides in this?  I know it seems impossible, but if we combine Aristotle’s interest in understanding a thing by knowing what it’s for, and a determination to find a win-win solution, we can do it!

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Once More, Conservative Evangelicals Shoot Themselves in the Foot.

Elephant crossing the road in front of a vehicle

Since Neil Gorsuch has his confirmation hearings this week, I think it’s worth taking the time to review the whole question of how we got to this nomination and whether or not he’s a fit reward to the millions of people who held their noses and voted for Trump, saying that they ”had” to vote for him because of the Supreme Court. There’s this perception that somehow getting pro-life justices onto the Supreme Court is going to bring an end to legalized abortion. But, as the newly-elected Donald Trump said with a shrug in his 60 Minutes interview, “It would go back to the states.” I’m more and more convinced that

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The “CYB” Movement Gains Steam.

Blurringly fast movement on a train

I’m trying to be fairly genteel here, so “CYB” stands for “cover your behind.”

Periodically I take a look over at the right-wing ranters such as Breitbart, Limbaugh, Ingraham, and Savage Nation, the website of Michael Savage, who, as I never tire of pointing out, is really named Michael Weiner. (Hey, it’s a perfectly respectable name. So why doesn’t he use it?) Just want to see what’s shakin’. I don’t go onto InfoWars with Alex Jones, though. There are limits to my gag reflex. (But do listen to The Federalist Radio Hour episode linked at the end of this post,

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