Spin, Spin, Spin!

​I’ve been thinking since the inauguration took place, and it started to become clear that this Presidency was in deep, deep trouble, that there was no way for Trump to last for four years. As the inimitable David Brooks has said, “After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year.” So, I thought, the AlwaysTrumpers will have to admit that they were wrong, right? And then maybe we can go about the business of rebuilding the tattered remnants of the Republican Party, or perhaps start a whole new one built upon true conservative principles.

It’ll take a long time, and in the meantime we’ll probably have eight years of Elizabeth Warren. (You thought a Hillary Clinton presidency would be bad? Ha! Try a female Bernie Sanders. And in that vein, since I’m inside a set of parentheses and can say what I want, why on earth did Mitch McConnell make a martyr out of herthat is, Warren, by shutting her up on the Senate floor? So that she could read the Coretta Scott King letter about Jeff Sessions on Facebook and get about 10 million views instead of the couple dozen or so watching C-Span at 2:00 AM, or whenever it was? I mean, did Warren pay him to do that? It’s the only answer that makes any sense.)

Back to my original point about the riders of the TrumpTrain admitting that they were wrong. No. Of course not! President Trump the Triumphant will morph into Ex-President Trump the Martyr. I just took a look at Michael Savage’s website (the “godfather of Trumpmania,” although I think that’s a title he calls himself) and a transcript of Rush Limbaugh’s musings over at Breitbart, and they’re both pushing the “Michael Flynn the Martyr” narrative as a warmup act. Let’s see, I think it’s Rush who says that the Republican Congress is refusing to “grow a spine” to defend Flynn. Oh. My. Word. His reasoning defies description. (Well, maybe I can describe it: tortuous. Or, perhaps, torturous. Either one will do.)So, I’m posting three articles from three different conservative websites: National Review, RedState, and The Resurgent. All three are excellent, and all three are making the same point: the right-wing defenders of President Trump are committing the same sins that they accused the left-wing President Obama defenders of. The RS article draws heavily on the Erikson article, but both are worth reading. And the Jay Nordlinger piece on NR is just priceless: elegant, witty, and self-deprecating.

Come on, folks! Let’s all get a grip and see what’s happening right in front of our eyes! Our government is in chaos and the Russians just broke a treaty by firing off that rocket. We need to get on our knees and pray for this country, and then get up off our knees and call the offices of our representatives. Just say, if nothing else, that you want the Trump administration, beginning with the President himself, held accountable. Subscribe to some good, solid news sources. And then read them. We can’t do much, but we can do something.

“Trump Invites a Cesspool of Fake News to Cover the White House.”

“Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right”

“The Press, the President, and the Jihad”
