What’s a Good Citizen To Do?

So here we are, a month from President-elect Trump’s inauguration. The pros and cons have been flying thick and fast, and there have been voices saying that we should “give him a chance to govern.” We should suspend our judgment and criticism, waiting to see what he’s going to do. I addressed the issue of Christian citizens’ responsibilities in a post I wrote the day before Thanksgiving: “What Is a Christian’s Obligation to Government?”

I will point out, once again, that had the Democratic nominee won, her every move would now be scrutinized and parsed unmercifully by Republicans and conservatives.

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Now the Real Battle Begins.


 I find myself completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of material I want to get across to my readers. So many good,thoughtful people on all areas of the political spectrum coming forward, or continuing to come forward, saying that we must hold the line against the man who has now been elected President. We must not normalize his behavior. Just to give an example of the range of voices out there, w-a-a-y over on the right (but not, to be absolutely and completely clear, the alt-right) is RedState.com. To the right of center is Jennifer Rubin ​of the Right Turn Blog at the Washington Post. And pretty far over on the left is Slate.com, whose podcast, “Trumpcast,” has been sounding the alarm since before the Republican National Convention. 

I will be addressing the questions next week, What is a Christian’s proper attitude towards his government? What is Paul asking us to do when he says to pray for our leaders? And what is the concept of “the loyal opposition”? So much to say! For today, though, I will post Rubin’s article from earlier this week. I hope and pray that voices such as hers will not be silenced.

“Who Will Stand Up to Trump?”

A Wise Voice Against the Alt-Right

Well, folks, it’s lunchtime, and I’m just glued to all my website faves. I’ll get the “election isn’t rigged” post up later on today. But I ran across this article from William Kristol of the fine conservative news outlet The Weekly Standard and felt that it was worth posting because Kristol had the distinction of being branded a “renegade Jew” by Breitbart News back earlier this year when he was considering mounting a third-party challenge to Trump. He joins David French and Evan McMullin in the elite club of NeverTrump conservatives who thought about running against the lamentable Republican presumptive candidate and were then absolutely deluged with hate from the alt-right. (Twitter is alive now with anti-Mormon rants because McMullin may end up winning Utah and thus take away those electoral votes from Trump. May I be allowed a very ladylike “Yay!”? But I am most decidedly not cheering about this new species of hatred.)

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Why I Continue to Fear and Loathe the Idea of a Trump Presidency


​Twenty years ago, when my son was a toddler, I was standing in the elevator with him. Have to say, he was just about the most adorable child you could possibly imagine. At one point, while he was still a baby, he did indeed look exactly like the Gerber baby. Curly blond hair, large blue eyes, etc. I would constantly be told by passersby, “What a cute little boy!”

So he and I were standing there, minding our own business, when the doors opened and a woman got in. I don’t remember much about her; my general impression was that she was attractive and possibly in her forties. Nothing too distinctive about her. 

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Let’s Stop Shooting Ourselves in the Foot.


“Your side handed us a gift with your candidate.”

This was from a nice woman I met during the intermission of a concert last week. She’d mentioned that she had spent part of her afternoon at the Democratic Party call center. I told her that I was a lifelong Republican who was voting for Hillary Clinton, we got into a discussion of the horrors of the Trump candidacy, and then she said the above. And she’s right, unfortunately. But the Trump candidacy is not a stand-alone event. It is, as has been pointed out frequently, simply the end result of a whole list of ills. If those who truly understand the appreciate the conservative point of view don’t vigorously oppose those ills, then we don’t deserve to win elections—and we won’t.

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Read This First . . . 


. . . before you read the article below. I want to warn you that it is not an easy read. It describes (but does not of course include) vile, violent, and sexually explicit material, and you will find it to be very disturbing, indeed frightening. This is what is happening to people who speak out against the candidacy of Donald Trump. I am posting a second article from earlier in the summer that makes a connection between some of these attacks and the Trump campaign itself.

David French is an Iraq War veteran, an attorney, and a staff writer at the great conservative news outlet National Review. He is a highly-respected journalist, not a fear-mongerer. He is NeverHillary as well as NeverTrump. But because he dared to criticize the monstrosity that is the Republican nominee he has endured months of relentless online attacks with threats of actual physical violence. His family has been terrorized. 

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