Trump’s Backwards (and Backward) World View.

PictureT. Rex for Secretary of State, anyone?

I date my political awakening to sometime at the end of this past March, when I suddenly thought, “Say wh-a-a-a-t? Is this Trump guy for real? Surely not!” Up until that point I had taken very little interest in politics.

Now, looking back to the 2012 election, I have to admit deep regret over not getting involved with that one and, specifically, not getting out and supporting Mitt Romney, an honorable, honest, decent man who got royally slammed for telling the truth about Russia. (I actually, just now, had to go back and look up to see who got Colorado’s nine electoral votes; Barack Obama did. And he got 332 electoral votes total to Romney’s 206, winning over 51% of the popular vote to Romney’s 47%. Pretty decisive, I’d say. But still! I could have gotten a little more involved as a citizen. I just thought, ‘Meh. Romney’s kind of boring and bland,and there’s no way Obama is going to lose as the incumbent and as such a charismatic figure.’ I did vote for Romney, you understand.)

Well, even though Romney didn’t get the Secretary of State pick (not that there was any real chance of that, ever, unless Mitt climbed the stairs of Trump Tower on his knees, which, to his real and lasting credit, he refused to do), his prognostications about Russia have been justified, big time.

Takeaway from the following article by Fareed Zakaria, who writes laudable foreign-policy articles for the Washington Post:

It’s ironic that Mitt Romney has been passed over for secretary of state just as his key foreign policy judgment is being vindicated. Romney famously said in 2012 that Russia was the United States’ “No. 1 geopolitical foe.” President Obama mocked the claim, and others — myself included — thought it was an exaggeration. We were wrong; Romney was right. (emphasis mine)

Read the entire article here:

“Vladimir Putin wants a new world order. Why would Donald Trump help him?”


A Last-Ditch Effort.

I would be thrilled to see Evan McMullin as our President, but that ain’t a-gonna happen.

So we’re back to the choice we had in the general election.

As Alexander Hamilton writes in “The Federalist Papers,” the Constitution is designed to ensure “that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” The point of the Electoral College is to preserve “the sense of the people,” while at the same time ensuring that a president is chosen “by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.”

I know that many of my readers are going to be appalled that I’ve signed this petition. Hey, you can go online and find one that asks the electors to stay faithful, if you want to. It’s called freedom of choice.

“Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President.”

Support the Constitution!

The Electoral College casts its votes on Monday, Dec. 19. This is the last chance we have to change the results of this election–as provided for in our Constitution. This is not some kind of rogue, rebellious movement. It is profoundly Constitutional.  Those of my readers who say that they are in favor of following the intentions of the Founding Fathers–then get with the program! I challenge you to read as many articles as you can this week, either here on this site or on sound, truthful, conservative websites. I’m going to be posting like crazy. Stay away from the Water Carriers for Trump. (This group includes, but is by no means limited to, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, The Gateway Pundit,, and Breitbart News. And, need I say this? Puh-leeze!)

You have a couple of options for signing a petition:

1.  What I did: Go to and sign the petition asking the electors to change their votes to Hillary Clinton. While I have said repeatedly that my vote for Clinton does not mean support for many of her policies, I do support this movement. I would love to see someone such as Evan McMullin or John Kasich or Ben Sasse take office, but that’s a subject for 2020. Right now, we need to take the most direct route we can to stop Donald Trump from actually taking office.

2. You may say that you will not petition directly for the electors to vote for Clinton. Okay, fair enough. Then join the Hamilton Electors movement, which petitions the electors to vote their consciences.

Either way, we do not have to sit by and let this dreadful election stand. We can at least try to make a difference! The proposal has been made, the wedding venue has been reserved, and the marriage license is ready to be signed. But the bride hasn’t walked down the aisle yet.

Should I Just “Give It Up”?


Let’s do a little thought experiment here. Let’s say that the other candidate (TOC) won this election. Let’s also say that the President elect (TPE) lost the electoral vote but won the popular vote by, oh, 1.5 million or so. And let’s further say that I am now fulminating against TOC. (Perhaps for nominating Sid Blumenthal as Chief of Staff, or some such.)

Would you say, “Debi, just give it up”?

Why not?

Think about that.

And let me say here and now that, while I so appreciate those of you who read these posts, either on the blog or the Facebook page, and agree with them, and like them, I appreciate even more those of you who disagree with me but still read my stuff and take the time to post comments. So far I’ve only had to totally block one commenter and have taken down only a few others. I hope you’ll stick around.

But . . . if you feel that you must un-friend me, or just stop reading, I’ll be sorry to see you go. We need conversations across the divide. You can always come back. I will accept any and all friend requests.

I will quote here the great Lord Peter Wimsey from the great novel Gaudy Night as my response to those who may be departing:

​”Very well. Vade in pacem. If you ever want me, you will find the Old Firm at the usual stand.”

A Wise Voice Against the Alt-Right

Well, folks, it’s lunchtime, and I’m just glued to all my website faves. I’ll get the “election isn’t rigged” post up later on today. But I ran across this article from William Kristol of the fine conservative news outlet The Weekly Standard and felt that it was worth posting because Kristol had the distinction of being branded a “renegade Jew” by Breitbart News back earlier this year when he was considering mounting a third-party challenge to Trump. He joins David French and Evan McMullin in the elite club of NeverTrump conservatives who thought about running against the lamentable Republican presumptive candidate and were then absolutely deluged with hate from the alt-right. (Twitter is alive now with anti-Mormon rants because McMullin may end up winning Utah and thus take away those electoral votes from Trump. May I be allowed a very ladylike “Yay!”? But I am most decidedly not cheering about this new species of hatred.)

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Why Did Donald Trump Even Show Up for the Debate?


​For heaven’s sake! I cannot believe that anyone would be so unbelievably clueless.  Why even bother if you’re going to shoot yourself in the foot so thoroughly?

I could go through several ridiculous statements made by the Republican nominee, but none of them comes even close to his refusal to say that he would accept the results of the election. What an absolute and complete farce!

These are the words of a demagogue. They are dangerous. Trump is trying, in advance, to discredit our entire electoral process.

Out of many, many articles out there this morning about the utterly disgraceful performance last night I give you, as I always like to do, the peerless Jonah Goldberg:

“Trump’s Best Debate So Far . . . and His Worst”

And yet more evidence that the cause of Christianity is being stained by the finger-twiddling of a large swathe of evangelicals:

“The Trump Effect? A Stunning Number of Evangelicals Will Now Accept Politicians’ ‘Immoral’ Acts”

Dear NeverTrumpers: Don’t Throw Away Your Vote.


I’ll start this post with a quotation I’ve used before from the respected conservative economist Dr. Thomas Sowell in an article he published in August:

There are few things worse than being deprived of our basic Constitutional rights, on which our freedom ultimately depends. But one of those few things is being deprived of life itself by the reckless decisions of a volatile, ill-informed, immature and self-absorbed President in a nuclear age.
(This article was posted on a number of conservative websites, including TownHall.

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