Broken Promise #2: “I Am Pro-Life. Really!”


To begin with, perhaps I should address the “shut up and deal with it” attitude I’m running into from some of my readers. To which I reply:

1. This is how I’m dealing with it. I refuse to disengage from the political sphere.

2. As citizens we have the responsibility to hold our leaders accountable, no matter which party they represent.

3. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

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Broken Promises Week, Part I: “Lock Her Up!”


I was all set to write a post about this topic last week but got distracted by the many excellent articles out there that I thought needed an airing. The more I’ve thought about this particular issue, however, the more I see it as emblematic of Donald Trump’s entire campaign and now, scarily, a precursor of how he will run his Presidency. As we move forward (notice how I keep using this phrase, as my purpose is to apply the lessons of the campaign to the mess we’re in now, not, as I’ve said, to “re-fight the election.”)

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Am I Going to Keep Re-Fighting the Election?


Short answer: No.

Longer answer: I am going to do exactly what I would have done if Hillary Clinton had won, which is to keep writing my own material and posting articles from other solid sources. To keep trying to advance ideas of reasonableness, conservatism, and, most importantly, faith. To not give in to the thought that no one wants to hear those ideas.  To not feel, as one journalist said last week, that I’m just “screaming into the void.” I know that I have been an encouragement to some of my readers, and I want to continue to have that role. I hope that I have helped at least a few people to think rather than just react. And it’s important to me personally to write about my thoughts and feelings, even if no one else reads what I say.

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What Does It Mean to Be “Gracious” about the Election Results?


I have been admonished by a commenter on my Facebook page to “Give it up already, Deb. Be gracious.” So I guess what he means is that I should just say, “Okay. You win. Congratulations!” Which would be fine, except for one problem:

The election is not the Super Bowl.

Unlike that event, after which everybody goes home and no one’s life is particularly changed except for team members and those who won or lost money, we will be living with the consequences of Tuesday’s vote for many years to come.

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I Am Heartsick but Hopeful.


Well, this of course isn’t the post I thought I would be writing today. I told myself that the election was by no means a done deal. Still, since I’m kind of like Joan Didion and don’t know how I feel about things until I write them, it was pretty impossible for me not to go around writing blog posts in my head.

So I thought, well, Trump started out his whole path to the Presidency by talking trash about Mexicans, so the Latino vote will come out strong against him. And he told African-Americans they had nothing to lose by voting for him, so they’ll tell him “yes, we do.” And he has insulted and degraded women, so they’ll hand him his hat. I’ll be able to say some variation of “the chickens have come home to roost.”

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A Sincerely Wrong Evangelical Pastor.


I get a fair amount of pushback on my views about who to vote for in this election, much of it thoughtful and sincere. My facebook page gets a little bit of attention, and I have honestly tried to present the truth about our choices in this election from a conservative and Christian point of view.

A couple of days ago a dear friend sent me a link to a sermon titled “The Continental Divide” by a Texas pastor named Tommy Nelson.  I think he’s a committed Christian, and I paid him the compliment of listening to most of what he had to say. (I got through about 40 minutes of a 58-minute presentation.)

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Trump Brings Out the Worst in His Fans.

Great takeaway line from over at RedState, from their great Susan Wright (who is NeverTrump and NeverClinton, just to be clear):

“While I would never endorse anything that came from a Clinton, I can say I’ve never heard her make reckless attacks about entire groups of people, or paint a picture of a broken, apocalyptic society and call it ‘America.'”

Amen, sister.

Note: Lurking in her statement, whether she means for it to be there or not, is a “lesser of two evils” argument. I will still maintain: One of these two awful candidates is going to be President. You can abstain or vote third party, as I wrote earlier today. I understand why people just can’t pull that lever for Hillary. But then you’re counting on other people to do the work for you. You’re aghast at Donald Trump? Well, then you’re stuck with Hillary Clinton.
So I say once again: Vote the split ticket for the good of your country, maintain the Hillary Hedge in Congress, and keep the disastrous GOP nominee out of the White House. That way we’ll all survive to fight another day.

“Trump’s Post-Apocalyptic Vision of America Brings Out the Worst in People”

Why I Continue to Fear and Loathe the Idea of a Trump Presidency


​Twenty years ago, when my son was a toddler, I was standing in the elevator with him. Have to say, he was just about the most adorable child you could possibly imagine. At one point, while he was still a baby, he did indeed look exactly like the Gerber baby. Curly blond hair, large blue eyes, etc. I would constantly be told by passersby, “What a cute little boy!”

So he and I were standing there, minding our own business, when the doors opened and a woman got in. I don’t remember much about her; my general impression was that she was attractive and possibly in her forties. Nothing too distinctive about her. 

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Let’s Stop Shooting Ourselves in the Foot.


“Your side handed us a gift with your candidate.”

This was from a nice woman I met during the intermission of a concert last week. She’d mentioned that she had spent part of her afternoon at the Democratic Party call center. I told her that I was a lifelong Republican who was voting for Hillary Clinton, we got into a discussion of the horrors of the Trump candidacy, and then she said the above. And she’s right, unfortunately. But the Trump candidacy is not a stand-alone event. It is, as has been pointed out frequently, simply the end result of a whole list of ills. If those who truly understand the appreciate the conservative point of view don’t vigorously oppose those ills, then we don’t deserve to win elections—and we won’t.

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Read This First . . . 


. . . before you read the article below. I want to warn you that it is not an easy read. It describes (but does not of course include) vile, violent, and sexually explicit material, and you will find it to be very disturbing, indeed frightening. This is what is happening to people who speak out against the candidacy of Donald Trump. I am posting a second article from earlier in the summer that makes a connection between some of these attacks and the Trump campaign itself.

David French is an Iraq War veteran, an attorney, and a staff writer at the great conservative news outlet National Review. He is a highly-respected journalist, not a fear-mongerer. He is NeverHillary as well as NeverTrump. But because he dared to criticize the monstrosity that is the Republican nominee he has endured months of relentless online attacks with threats of actual physical violence. His family has been terrorized. 

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