A White Nationalist Talks about Trump

Picturephoto credit: Center for Investigative Reporting

So, you say, it’s not that big of a deal that swastikas are now cool in the wake of the Trump victory. I was talking to someone recently who voted for Trump and who was ecstatic that he had won. I related to her the story I posted about the Jewish family who is planning to move to Israel because they’re so terrified of a Trump administration, one reason being that their neighbor down the street hoisted a flag with a swastika on it the day after the election. “But . . . do you really think that Trump thinks that way?” she asked. To which my reply was, “It doesn’t matter.” What matters is that he has surrounded himself with people who do believe that; he has made it safe and acceptable to parade such views. So I did a little poking around to see what someone who is unequivocally in that camp would have to say.

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Guess Who’s Trying to Get Donald Trump Up to Speed?


The original story (first paragraph of quotation) is from the Wall Street Journal. The rest is from the Washington Post. If I did not love my country so much, and if I weren’t so concerned about our allies, and if I weren’t so worried about the influence of Vladimir Putin and other strongmen around the world, I would have to laugh. As it is, I need to be driven to my knees and pray that God will be merciful to us.

There seems to be an idea with some that winning the election automatically sanctifies Trump, but praying blindly is no better than voting blindly. “Oh God, open Donald Trump’s eyes to his own ignorance” would seem to me to be a good place to start. (And by the way–that horrible Barack Obama, who supposedly has waked up every morning for the past eight years wondering what he could do that day to bring about America’s ruin, is planning to meet more often with Trump than is usually the case with an outgoing and an incoming President, because he has realized how clueless Trump is.)

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The Pro-Life Argument Against Trump.


I will keep beating this drum until election day. Below is an article brought to my attention by Al Mohler, whose Daily Briefing is a treasure trove of his own and others’ ideas. Mohler, the president of Southern Seminary and a voice for godliness and graciousness, is a true national treasure. He and Russell Moore have been among the stalwarts against the Trump Travesty.

The article is by Ross Douthat, a young conservative writer whose books I now plan to read. Here’s a good representative section:


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A Sad, Disappointing Evangelical Response to Trump.

Oh MAN! How did I miss this great article from last month? I’ll have more along the same lines to post later today or tomorrow, but I don’t want to wear out my audience. Dear readers, if you have bought into the wishful thinking that’s going on out there about Trump, I would encourage you to read the following from the always-reliable conservative website RedState:

“Dr. James Dobson Is Supporting Trump for the Most Bizarre Reason Possible”

Trump Brings Out the Worst in His Fans.

Great takeaway line from over at RedState, from their great Susan Wright (who is NeverTrump and NeverClinton, just to be clear):

“While I would never endorse anything that came from a Clinton, I can say I’ve never heard her make reckless attacks about entire groups of people, or paint a picture of a broken, apocalyptic society and call it ‘America.'”

Amen, sister.

Note: Lurking in her statement, whether she means for it to be there or not, is a “lesser of two evils” argument. I will still maintain: One of these two awful candidates is going to be President. You can abstain or vote third party, as I wrote earlier today. I understand why people just can’t pull that lever for Hillary. But then you’re counting on other people to do the work for you. You’re aghast at Donald Trump? Well, then you’re stuck with Hillary Clinton.
So I say once again: Vote the split ticket for the good of your country, maintain the Hillary Hedge in Congress, and keep the disastrous GOP nominee out of the White House. That way we’ll all survive to fight another day.

“Trump’s Post-Apocalyptic Vision of America Brings Out the Worst in People”

Why I Continue to Fear and Loathe the Idea of a Trump Presidency


​Twenty years ago, when my son was a toddler, I was standing in the elevator with him. Have to say, he was just about the most adorable child you could possibly imagine. At one point, while he was still a baby, he did indeed look exactly like the Gerber baby. Curly blond hair, large blue eyes, etc. I would constantly be told by passersby, “What a cute little boy!”

So he and I were standing there, minding our own business, when the doors opened and a woman got in. I don’t remember much about her; my general impression was that she was attractive and possibly in her forties. Nothing too distinctive about her. 

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Another Blast from The Resurgent’s Trumpet


Oh man! One of the good things to come out of this horrible election season is that I’ve become acquainted with a treasure trove of conservative/Christian websites. At some point I’m going to post an annotated list of the ones I’ve read the most.

Right at or near the top of the list has to be Erick Erickson’s The Resurgent. If you’ll remember back in August I wrote a post titled “Do Your Ears Itch?”  My point then was that we hear what we want to hear and so are easy targets for false teaching. Now Erickson comes along and give an example of a sound, biblical sermon being taken for a political endorsement. It’s really worse than being deceived by false teaching when you’re deceiving yourself!

Here’s the takeaway: “But Clinton does not right now have an army of Christians trying to find biblical authority to justify support for a moral cretin. Trump does.”

I can’t encourage you enough to read the whole thing. It’s not very long:

“Hearing What You Want to Hear”

Why Did Donald Trump Even Show Up for the Debate?


​For heaven’s sake! I cannot believe that anyone would be so unbelievably clueless.  Why even bother if you’re going to shoot yourself in the foot so thoroughly?

I could go through several ridiculous statements made by the Republican nominee, but none of them comes even close to his refusal to say that he would accept the results of the election. What an absolute and complete farce!

These are the words of a demagogue. They are dangerous. Trump is trying, in advance, to discredit our entire electoral process.

Out of many, many articles out there this morning about the utterly disgraceful performance last night I give you, as I always like to do, the peerless Jonah Goldberg:

“Trump’s Best Debate So Far . . . and His Worst”

And yet more evidence that the cause of Christianity is being stained by the finger-twiddling of a large swathe of evangelicals:

“The Trump Effect? A Stunning Number of Evangelicals Will Now Accept Politicians’ ‘Immoral’ Acts”

Dear Trump Cheerleaders: Why Are You Doing This?


Why are you setting back the cause of true conservatism for perhaps a decade and maybe for a generation?

Why are you excusing behavior that you have excoriated in Democrats?

Why are you causing a stain on the cause of Christianity by making it possible for the world to paint you as an utter and complete hypocrite?

I do not understand this. I can understand people holding their noses and saying, “I just can’t vote for Hillary.  I will burst into flames if I do that.” Or saying, “I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.” I don’t agree with people who say that, as anyone who reads this blog knows. I’ve made my own position abundantly clear. But I can sympathize, to a certain extent.

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Does Donald Trump Even Want to be President?


Short answer: No.

Longer answer: Of course not. It’s too much work. And he never intended to get this far, anyway.

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how I formed my own NeverTrump stand and my decision to vote for Hillary Clinton as a way to keep Trump out of the White House. Three key pieces formed the base of the pyramid, as it were:

First, a family member said that if Trump were to be nominated that he would vote for Hillary, that he had voted for third-party candidates in the past as protest votes but that this time the risk was too great. Woa! I thought. Saying that takes some nerve in our circles. This was right at the end of March.

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